Sunday, April 3, 2011

"For Our God Is a Consuming Fire (Hebrews 12:29)"

Travis Tanner and I installed my painting of Joseph Smith Junior's First Vision this last week in the Nauvoo Cafe at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. This is part of a larger show curated by Ira Gagon that hangs in the LDS Church History and Art Museum and in the Nauvoo Cafe. I'm waiting on a better photograph as a final portfolio image.

This painting has been sitting in my mind for at least ten years. When the opportunity to participate in this show came, I dropped all of my other paintings and projects to get this painting done in time for the show. It has occupied all of my non-teaching time since the end of December 2010.

Those interested can go see this painting at the Nauvoo Cafe which is open till 8pm Monday through Saturday from now until the end of June of 2011.

Please contact Ira Gagon at regarding the purchase of this painting or prints.

5x10 feet oil on linen

1 comment:

  1. I love this painting! if you like, I would love to make a video of it, explaining your thoughts and feelings behind the creation of it.
